
It's cold outside so decided to paint some still life paintings... shoes are the topic of the day... Men's shoes have a certain character in them that make them seem like they have personalities. I love the worn leather and tied laces that have walked for miles...

Walk to Work, 9x12 Oil Sketch on Birch Panel

Walk to Work, 9x12 Oil Sketch on Birch Panel

Shoes, 16x12" Oil on Birch Panel

Shoes, 16x12" Oil on Birch Panel

I should have used more paint... I was a little skimpy with getting the paint on the board... It's hard to paint like a millionaire I guess... ha ha. For the still life below I used more paint and it turned out a little more rich. Once I got it varnished it was fun. I love that part... The colors are all fresh and vibrant again...

Shoe and Teacup, 9x12 Oil on Birch Panel

Shoe and Teacup, 9x12 Oil on Birch Panel


Nude Study


The Fly Fishing River, Frankslide, Alberta